Project description:
Irish community centre,
Project description:
Crafts Council, straw bale seating for
University of Buckinghamshire
Project description:
Storage shed of waste materials,
Brazier’s community, Berkshire
Project description: Brazier’s community, Berkshire store shed using waste materials (with students from London Metropolitan University)
Crafts Council, community garden,
Project description: This project for Islington community park involved working with local community and children in creating bins out of waste.
West London Centre
Project description: The retrofit of this Victorian property as a community centre was carried out from 1998 onwards incrementally, using professional and volunteer help. Improvements and replacements included plastic and PVC free replacement of parts, use of eco-friendly paints, low water use toilets, non-toxic damp proofing course, and use of daylighting with installation of ‘solapipes’ … Read More
Greenway project, East London
Greenway, East Londo